How do I join MVC during club season?

Parents will need to register players with AAU for any AAU events during club season. Information provided during first team meeting.

AZ Region Volleyball membership requirements is mandatory to participate with MVC in region tournaments and other events through the AZ Region.

  • Pre-Tryout Requirement - All individuals must register themselves or renew their Arizona Region membership online for the season PRIOR to the Open House evaluation sessions and Tryouts. You must provide MVC with your membership card or PAID confirmation page that shows you have registered for the season in order to tryout with MVC. Please plan to purchase your membership in plenty of time prior to the needed date as there are some issues with the SportsEngine member management system that may cause some problems. Membership is $55. For more information click Pre-Registration for the 2024-25 season will open up on Aug 1st. The memberships will become effective on Sept 1st. If you were not a member during the 2023-24 season and will be attending tryouts or practices during August, you will need to purchase the Summer membership and then renew for the full membership after Sept 1st.

  • Age Eligibility - Not sure what age category you must play, enter your birthdate through the AZ Region website to verify Players can also play up. This means they can attend their own age group open house and tryout as well as attend the other age groups open house and tryouts Payments will need to be separate.


Open House Period - The Arizona Region has established an Open House Period for players and their parents to visit different clubs in an attempt to decide which club to tryout and join for the 2024-25 season. During the Open House Period a club may offer a maximum of 3 Open House sessions for each age group that is not more than 3 hours in length. The club MAY evaluate potential club members by running them through skills tests and physical tests, MAY talk to the players and their parents about their club and MAY let you know about what level you might fit into in their club. The club MAY NOT offer (verbal, written or implied) a player a position on any of their teams, MAY NOT collect any commitment fees or down payments to hold a spot on their team, MAY NOT ask a player for a commitment prior to tryouts, and MAY NOT require you to attend more than one Open House session at their club.

Arizona Region policy prohibits girls from trying out or committing to a club before the following: Ages 14 and under may begin tryouts on or after the first Saturday in November following the last State HS Championship match.  Ages 15 and older may begin tryouts on or after the second Saturday in November following the last Girls HS State Championship match. Girls in High School and participating on their school teams are prohibited by the AIA and the Arizona Region from participating in any Open Gyms, Clinics or Camps during the time beginning with high school competition until the team is eliminated from the Girls HS State Playoffs.

AZ Region Girls Open Houses and Tryouts 2024-2025

For the 2024-25 Season

  • The Open House Period for 12's - 14's teams is October 23 - November 1

  • The Open House Period for 15's - 18's players is November 12 - 22 with blackout date of November 16th for the State High School Championships. Nothing is allowed on the Blackout date. 

    BLACKOUT DATE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16th for Girls State High School Championships. No club-related activities can be held on November 16, 2024.

    For Monarch Open Gyms and Tryouts Click Here